True Compass

True Compass

Sunday, September 9, 2012


In my initial post to this particular 'site', I was keen to draw a distinction between what I consider to be two fundamentally different types of inter-human-spiritual ALCHEMY.

However, I would hasten to add that in life (in vivo?) things are rarely as  neatly divided up as we would imagine them to be.

For example, it occurred to me quite naturally after re-reading my last posting, that there is really no 'hard and fast' divide between human psyches!  (which is not to say that there are no  inner; or internal  'inter-faces' - just as there are external ones ).

 I acknowledged this only indirectly in my previous post, in saying that in soul alchemy, two (or more) human psyches can and indeed do  influence each other; and I made the further distinction that this happens more often than not unconsciously.

 However, if it happens anyway, then there must be the possiblity (at least in theory) of becoming conscious of what is occuring .