True Compass

True Compass

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


'Involution of consciousness' is the 'psycho-spiritual' process underlying genuine spiritual self-development.  It is different to C.G. Jung's concept of 'individuation' as well as A. Maslow's 'self-actualisation.' It is the opposite process to 'evolution of consciousness' as outlined in Avatar Meher Baba's book God Speaks (Dodd Mead, 1973) with particular reference to Part-8 of that work, entitled  'The cycle of evolution and involution of consciousness.'

The process that I have dubbed 'The Alchemy of The Spirit' referes to that part of the  cycle designated in God Speaks as  'the involution of consciousness.'    In this respect I have taken the liberty of interpreting 'spirit' as consciouisness, that is,  'consciousness itself.'

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