True Compass

True Compass

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I would like to begin this post by making  fundamental distinction between what I consider to be two principal forms of 'ALCHEMY' in the inter-subjetive human world.

The first type is what might be called 'soul alchemy.' This particular 'alchemy' comes into play whenever two or more individual human psyches enter the arena of engagement which prevails during any usually on-going interrelationship.

This situation could (and usually does) exist between two (or more) 'marriage' partners; it could (and usually does) exist between  a 'doctor' and 'patient' and very definitely between a psycho-therapist (or 'counsellor') and her/his 'client.'

What distinquishes this form of 'soul alchemy' from the 'Alchemy of  The Spirit' is that it occurs willy nilly, whether one wants it or not. It occurs spontaneously. Both (or all) participants in this 'exchange' are affected, for better or for worse. To put it another way, it happens 'unconsciously.' It is an unconscious process. You may not know that you have been affected in such and such a way until afterwards. It is in fact a natural aspect of human relating.

'The Alchemy of the Spirit' on the other hand is a conscious, intentional process. It requires effort, at least in the initial stages.  It does not necessarily occur spontaneously. It co-incides in every way with what is also known as 'spiritual advancement' or 'treading the spiritual path.'

In this respect, it differs from 'soul alchemy' in that the process doesn't necessarily require the presence of other persons,  at least in terms of  'physical' proximity, as generally understood.  In actual fact much of this process of 'consciousness transformation' occurs in solitude. However, it is in no way a so-called 'flight from reality' or an avoidance of other persons and the world. On the contrary, the times spent 'alone' have no sense of 'aloneness' or 'lonliness' about them. This is because in these moments one is alone with one's True Beloved -GOD.  These moments spent 'in solitude' can be amongst the most positively transforming.

There is, however, another aspect of this process which can be equally liberating, and these are the times spent in close collaboration with another individual who is in some way and to a certain measure, 'spiritually advanced.'  I realise that there is a lot of confusion and indeed uncertainty in identifying another human being who may be in some sense 'spiritually advanced.' And this invites the whole thorny question of 'spiritual intermediaries.'  That is, other person's who are in some way positioning themselves between GOD on the one hand and other persons, as guides, mentores, or 'priests' etc.

 To give a classic example, we only have to think of the historical role of the Catholic Church, and more specifically the role of priests up until the time of the 'reformation.'  The claim here was that one needed the priesthood, and the Church Hierarchy,  as ones Earthly 'access point' to The Almighty.

Thank God, this delusion has more or less been superseded. I would hazard a quess and say that it may not much matter to the majority of people on the Planet today, (although, there are no doubt notable exceptions) whether they are threatened by 'excommunication', at least in the religous sense.

For my own part, I believe that I have  been fortunate enough ot have not only encounted, but actually spent a considerable amount of time with at least two 'spiritually advanced souls.'
during different phases of this, my present re-incarnation.

Not  all 'spiritually advanced souls' are of the same type. They can be entirely different in terms of their outward appearance and behaviour.  For a comprehensive description and classification of the various types, I would direct the reader to Dr Willliam Donkin's masterpiece, 'The Wayfarers' which chronicles the work of Avatar Meher Baba with the 'mad' and 'masts' (literally 'God-intoxicated') souls of India.

It seems that I have digressed somewhat from my initial purpose here which is simply to make a necessary distinction between what can be considered as two kinds of 'inter-personal' and 'intra-psychic-spiritual' Alchemy, or 'consciousness transformation.'  One which happens all the time, whether desired or not; and one which is for the most part conscious; and definitely desired - and I would hasten to add most desirable!

However, I am going to have to return to this topic in my next post. I trust that there is sufficient 'content'  here already to spark the interest of my readers.

Jai Baba!
