True Compass

True Compass

Monday, February 1, 2016


In my previous post to SANE LIVING,  I attempted  to shed some light on the Nature of Spiritual Understanding, by describing it as a unique 'Way of Knowing' - encompassing both REAL FEELING and INTUITION.  It is also a particular 'type' of knowledge; that, once gained, is never lost; that is to say, it is ALWAYS accessible.

This 'Intuitive' Knowledge  CAN,  to a considerable extent,  be RATIONALISED.  That is, Insights derived through the 'Intuitive Faculty', can be put into rational terms; into WORDS, and into LANGUAGE.

Time and again, however,  INTUITION  proves  itself  superior to REASON, in terms of producing unerring outcomes; and this, in the most diverse situations.  Time and again,  INTUITION  passes the test of  RATIONAL CRITICISM.  This demonstrates to me that  INTUITION is most intimately linked to TRUTH Consciousness. 

This is revealed through the ATTRIBUTE;  or  QUALITY,  of  'DIRECT KNOWING'.

It is most important to note that INTUITION itself, develops gradually; and is a direct outcome of the progressive development of what I am describing as 'REAL FEELING.' That is, there is a definite developmental sequence, which begins with the transformation of basic desires and emotions, (such as LUST, GREED, ANGER and SORROW, etc.) - through the gradual integration of what can be described as 'Lower Reason.'  I am not using this term pejoratively; It simply means our 'basic human reason' - the type of 'reason' that is derived from, and hence, fundamentally allied to the physical world through external sensation, and perception.

Through the application of 'Basic Human Reason' - 'Thought' - one develops 'Emotional Intelligence.' What I am calling  'REAL FEELING'  develops out of this progressive integration of 'Reason and Emotion.'

In terms of 'mental structure,' Real Feeling' belongs to the inner-most 'circle', or 'sphere' of the 'Total Mind.'  What I am referring to as the 'Total Mind'  is comprised of the three (3) bodies;  gross, subtle, and mental - taken together as a unity.  In this conceptual schema, 'Real Feeling' is the function of MIND closest to the 'Absolute Centre' of our Total Being. This CENTRE is known as the 'OM POINT.'  (Another designation would be the Arche-median Point, or 'Absolute Middle Point.')

It is also known as The 'Spiritual Heart.'  This inner-most Sanctum (of the 'Total Mind') is (from one point of view) contained within the second level, layer, or sphere; that of 'Pure Reason.'

Therefore, in structural terms, this 'inner-most' sphere can be considered the very 'Core' ('Coeur'; or 'Heart') of the 'Total Mind.'  In the terminology of Avatar Meher Baba, this (Usually; Most Deeply Unconscious) layer, or 'strata' of TOTAL MIND is referred to as "The Sixth Plane of Consciousness." The level of Pure Feeling; and Divine Sight.  This 'SEEING' is the Direct Perception' of GOD's INFINITE REALITY!